CRDSI in a nutshell
Centre de recherche en reproduction, développement et santé intergénérationnelle de l’Université Laval
The Centre de recherche en reproduction, développement et santé intergénérationnelle (Research centre in reproduction, development and intergenerational health - CRDSI) is a dynamic team composed of researchers interested in human and animal reproduction, in state-of-the-art technologies, in the responsible use of these technologies and in the ethical considerations this research raises.
Researchers of the CRDSI have complementary expertise enabling them to work together at the improvement of reproductive performance in domestic mammals and humans. Through the development of new fundamental knowledge and state-of-the-art technologies, CRDSI aims to promote the training of high level scientists in the field.
Mission: Research, training and service to the community
The Centre de recherche en reproduction, développement et santé intergénérationnelle is a multi-faculty centre of Laval University, which mission aims to further knowledge in the field of human and animal reproduction, to develop and transfer technologies in this field, as well as to reflect on their social impact. This mission includes the involvement of CRDSI in fostering excellence in student training and responsible conduct in research.
CRDSI’s regular members have complementary expertise related to the function of reproductive systems in humans and many animal models. Our guiding principle is to be the inevitable reference for everything related to reproduction and its scientific and societal implications.
CRDSI is composed of 21 regular members as well as many associated members with complementary research activities. Members are from the academia, agro-food industry and governmental laboratories or private clinic sectors. CRDSI would not be complete without the contribution of its many student-, fellow-, intern- and employee-members.
Research themes
In order to better understand, treat and prevent diseases, CRDSI is highly interested in the mechanisms involved in early, foetal and perinatal development and in the impact of our physical environment (ex. exposure to toxic agents) and social (ex. nutrition) on our intergenerational health. Nutritional conditions are of increasing importance, not only for human health, but also for a sustainable and healthy production in the agri-food sector, a sector of great interest for many CRDSI researchers. One of CRDSI’s objectives is the development of new applications in reproductive health and to better understand the impacts of these new technologies on the health of future generations.
Research in reproduction, genetic, perinatality and development is a priority sector for many CRDSI researchers associated with the Faculty of medicine. They are particularly interested in early, foetal and perinatal development, in human infertility, in sexual differentiation, in women health and in reproduction as source of epigenetic transmission between generations. CRDSI’s themes on the environment and intergenerational health, knowledge mobilization and transfer for new applications in animal production and the societal challenges associated with reproduction are also among priority research sectors of CRDSI’s researchers with interests in agriculture, especially in the field of animal science. Finally, CRDSI advocates for the responsible use of knowledge related to the development and the use of reproductive technologies in the agri-food and medical sectors. Societal challenges are one of the four major pillars of CRDSI.