Financial support
CRDSI students have access to various program for financial support such as:
- Excellence scholarship from provincial and national granting agencies (FRQNT, FRSQ, NSERC, CIHR).
- Excellence scholarships for master and PhD students offered by the Mélanie-Hamel Fund and dedicated to research in reproduction and managed by the Laval University Foundation (<link nouvelles-et-evenements details article bourses-de-recrutement-du-crdsi-2017>2017 competition).
- Scholarships for summer internships (<link nouvelles-et-evenements details article bourses-pour-stagiaires-dete-2017-du-crdsi>2017 competition).
- CRDSI used an important part of its operation budget to offer a scholarship program for its students and fellows.
- CRDSI offers travel awards to support students presenting their work at international meetings.
-Studentships or salaries supported by grant projects are offered by professors-researchers.